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Featured Products:
Craftworlds - Start Collecting!
Though they once ruled the stars, the Aeldari brought about a terrible curse that shattered their empire forever. Crossing the galaxy on their vast world-ships, lead by the most powerful psykers in the universe, they rage hard against the dying of the light. Under the leadership of Farseers, psychics capable of planning thousands of years into the future with patience and confidence unmatched by any race, the Aeldari wish to see their empire burn brightly once more, illuminated by the glory of total war, before fate consigns them to dark oblivion.
This is a great-value box set that gives you an immediate collection of fantastic Aeldari miniatures, which you can assemble and use right away in games of Warhammer 40,000! You'll receive a Farseer, 5 Wraithguard (who can be optionally assembled as Wraithblades), a Wraithlord and a War Walker, along with 2 Aeldari transfer sheets.
Tyranid - Start Collecting!
A seemingly numberless horde of ghastly super-predators, adapted bio-weapons optimised for the kill - the Tyranids emerge from the cold darkness of the intergalactic void. They hunt, kill and feed endlessly, stripping the galaxy of all organic matter they encounter, ravenously devouring every morsel of life and leaving nothing but dead, scarred rocks in their wake.
This is a great-value box set that gives you an immediate collection of fantastic Tyranid miniatures, which you can assemble and use right away in games of Warhammer 40,000! You’ll receive a 8 Genestealers, armed with rending claws, a Broodlord, armed with monstrous rending claws and a Trygon, armed with scything talons, toxinspike and prehensile pincer tail – this can optionally be assembled as a Mawloc, featuring distensible jaws in lieu of a toxinspike.
Tyranid - Codex
The Tyranids are unlike any other race to be encountered by Humanity. They are the ultimate predators; to them all living things, from the lowliest insect to the most advanced civilisation, are mere prey. Only now are the inhabitants of the galaxy realising the scale of the threat – unless the Tyranids can be stopped, it will mean nothing less than the extinction of all.
Codex: Tyranids contains a wealth of background and rules – the definitive book for Tyranids collectors. Within this 128-page hardback, you’ll find:
- The Destroyer of Worlds: the origins of the Tyranids, from the first recorded appearance of their Hive Fleets to their seemingly-unstoppable advance throughout the galaxy, along with details of the manner in which their Hive Minds operate;
- Invasion Swarms: a step-by-step guide to a Tyranid invasion, from the vanguard organisms who seed initial terror through to the swarms of feeder organisms that ultimately strip entire worlds bare;
- Detailed background of the following Hive Fleets: Behemoth, Kraken and Leviathan, with dramatic recounting of famous battles and colour schemes for each;
- Tendrils of the Great Devourer: Information and colour schemes for a further 6 Hive Fleets – Jormungandr, Hydra, Gorgon, Kronos, Tiamet, and Ouroboris;
- A galactic map showing the currently-known major Tyranid incursions;
- Background and details on each character and unit available to a Tyranid army;
- A showcase of beautifully painted Citadel miniatures, with example armies featuring everything from individual images of models to battle scenes on terrain.
Everything you need to get a Tyranid army primed for games of Warhammer 40,000 is in here:
- 39 datasheets containing rules for every Tyranid unit and miniature;
- Army abilities reflecting the Tyranids’ methods of war on the tabletop;
- Weapons of the Hive Fleets: wargear both ranged and close-combat for use by Tyranid Swarms;
- Points values for all miniatures, weapons and wargear for use in Matched Play games;
- The Shadow in the Warp: rules for Battle-forged armies, including:
- Hive Fleet Adaptations for the following 7 Hive Fleets: Behemoth, Kraken, Leviathan, Gorgon, Jormungandr, Hydra and Kronos;
- 6 unique Warlord Traits available for any Tyranid commander;
- 7 Warlord Traits specific to the above-named Hive Fleets;
- 28 unique Stratagems;
- Bio-artefacts of the Tyranids: a selection of 12 rare weapons, spawned by the Hive Mind to ensure the galaxy’s doom;
- Hive Mind Discipline: 6 psychic powers available to any Tyranids model with the Psyker keyword;
- 6 unique Tactical Objectives.
Scythe: The Board Game
It is a time of unrest in 1920s Europa. The ashes from the first great war still darken the snow. The capitalistic city-state known simply as “The Factory,” which fueled the war with heavily armored mechs, has closed its doors, drawing the attention of several nearby countries.
Scythe (1-5 players, 115 minutes) is a board game set in an alternate-history 1920s period. It is a time of farming and war, broken hearts and rusted gears, innovation and valor.
In Scythe, each player represents a fallen leader attempting to restore their honor and lead their faction to power in Eastern Europa. Players conquer territory, enlist new recruits, reap resources, gain villagers, build structures, and activate monstrous mechs.
Each player begins the game with different resources (strength, victory points, movement capabilities, and popularity), their choice of several faction-specific abilities, and a hidden goal. Starting positions are specially calibrated to contribute to each faction’s uniqueness and the asymmetrical nature of the game.
Scythe gives players almost complete control over their fate. Other than each player’s individual hidden objective cards, the only elements of luck are encounter cards that players will draw as they interact with the citizens of newly explored lands and combat cards that give you a temporary boost in combat. Combat is also driven by choices, not luck or randomness.
Scythe uses a streamlined action-selection mechanism (no rounds or phases) to keep gameplay moving at a brisk pace and reduce downtime between turns. While there is plenty of direct conflict, there is no player elimination, nor can units be killed or destroyed.
Every part of Scythe has an aspect of engine-building to it. Players can upgrade actions to become more efficient, build structures that improve their position on the map, enlist new recruits to enhance character abilities, activate mechs to deter opponents from invading, and expand their borders to reap greater types and quantities of resources. These engine-building aspects create a sense of momentum and progress throughout the game. The order in which players improve their engine adds to the unique feel of each game, even when playing one faction multiple times
Genestealer Cults - Clamavus
The Clamavus is an information assassin supreme, seeding audio-viruses into the planetary vox network and dismantling communications. It is their role to create an aura of fear and confusion that their kin can exploit.
The Clamavus is an Elites choice for your Genestealer Cults army. You'll find your nearby troops benefit from better Leadership as well as improved advance and charge rolls, making him great when paired with close-combat units. Meanwhile, you’ll be able to deny your enemy reinforcements and deal mortal wounds with the Clamavus’s scrambler array.
This kit lets you build one Clamavus, and includes a choice of heads – one with goggles, one without. Perfect if you're looking to put your personal stamp on the model, or want to include multiples in your army!
This kit is supplied in 11 plastic components and contains a 32mm round base.
Genestealer Cults - Locus
Stoic and inhumanly patient, the Locus can go from sombre stillness to a blur of motion in an eye-blink. This sudden eruption of violence is as startling as it is deadly. Like a Lictor jumping from the shadows, the Locus makes a lightning-fast decapitating strike, their twin sabres flashing through the fog of battle to take the head of their foe.
If you want to keep your Genestealer Cults leaders safe, you want a Locus. This unit is the ultimate bodyguard, capable of intercepting wounds and striking down enemies before they've even had the chance to get at your Patriarch, Magus, Primus, or champion of choice!
This kit lets you build a Locus with a choice of four different heads – one with a hood down, one with a hood up, and two unhooded. These are great for personalising your models, while the spares are compatible with a host of other Genestealer Cults models.
This kit is supplied in 11 plastic components and contains a 32mm round base.
Genestealer Cults - Magus
Maguses are psychically gifted and possessed of a supernatural charisma. Their control of the hybrids around them is total. As a prophet of their Patriarch, the word of a Magus is law, and their telepathic abilities are more than powerful enough to enforce it.
A Magus is a vital psychic unit for your Genestealer Cults army. With one on your side, you'll have access to a huge host of powerful abilities, allowing you to seize control of enemy units or drive your own to greater heights of carnage. Defensively, you’ll be able to shut down enemy psykers by providing nearby units with the ability to deny their powers.
This set builds one Magus, and features options allowing you to build yours with a knife in one hand, or a skull. If you've already got a Magus and need another, or want to grab one outside of the Broodcoven set, this is the perfect option for you.
This kit is supplied in 11 plastic components, and contains a 32mm round base.
Genestealer Cults - Nexos
Nexoses act as each Genestealer Cult’s central nervous system. They are granted psychometric powers that allow them to absorb the memories and consciousness of indoctrinated organisms, processing that sensory data into a steady stream of strategic instructions and deployment orders.
The Nexos is a tactical lynchpin for the Genestealer Cults army – a strategic unit who rewards careful planning. WIth him, you’ll be able to re-deploy your Ambush markers, letting you get the jump on the foe, while there’s a chance he'll grant you additional Command Points, giving you even more tactical options!
This kit is supplied 10 plastic components, and contains a 40mm round base.
Genestealer Cults - Sanctus
Sanctuses are the favoured blades of their Patriarch, assassins whose task it is to eliminate any who oppose the cultists’ ascension to glory. Like creeping shadows they slip into the most heavily guarded facilities, seeking out their targets and eliminating them with merciless precision.
The Sanctus is a specialist assassin in your Genestealer Cults army, capable of appearing from nowhere and slaying your enemy’s favourite characters. Incredibly difficult to pin down or hit, he’s a fantastic disruption unit.
You’ll be able to arm your Sanctus with your choice of silencer sniper rifle or Sanctus bio-dagger – the former is superb for killing psykers, while the latter makes the Sanctus into a brutal close-combat fighter.
This kit is supplied in 10 plastic components, and contains a 32mm round base.
Chaos Space Marines - Codex (Updated)
Codex: Chaos Space Marines is your complete guide to the Heretic Astartes – a brotherhood of superhuman traitors hell-bent on destroying the Imperium they once helped build.
In this codex, you'll discover how the Chaos Space Marines came to be, their dark plans for the Imperium, and how they fight. Lore and timelines explore the long, shadowed history of these malefic warriors, from the dark days of the Horus Heresy to their renewed assault on realspace following the opening of the Cicatrix Maledictum. Collected art and illustrations bring the dark world of the Chaos Space Marines to life, while rules allow you to field an army from the Black Legion, Alpha Legion, World Eaters, Night Lords, Word Bearers, Emperor's Children, Iron Warriors, as well as renegade warbands, including ones of your own devising.
You'll be able to choose from a dark arsenal, containing everything from frothing, zealous Cultists to daemonforged war engines like the Defiler. Faction rules let you tailor your strategy and tactics to the legendary Traitor Legions, like the bloodthirsty World Eaters or relentless Iron Warriors, while a huge set of Stratagems offer you all manner of dirty tricks to unleash on your foes.
Meanwhile, the book is a fantastic resource for collectors, containing tips for building your army, examples of Chaos Space Marines forces, and loads of invaluable reference material and alternative colour schemes for painters.
This book contains:
- Lore and art exploring the history and goals of the Chaos Space Marines
- A showcase of beautifully painted miniatures
- 53 datasheets providing rules for using Chaos Space Marines in your games of Warhammer 40,000, including a datasheet for the Noctilith Crown scenery piece
- Profiles for all weapons and wargear of the Chaos Space Marines, including 5 different Chaos icons
- Legion Traits – specific special rules for the Black Legion, Alpha Legion, Iron Warriors, Night Lords, Word Bearers, World Eaters, Emperor’s Children, and Renegade Chapters
- 24 unique Stratagems, including 7 specific to particular Legions
- Prayers to the Dark Gods: 6 prayers for any Chaos Space Marines with the Priest keyword and 4 Mark of Chaos prayers for those dedicated to a singular deity
- The Dark Hereticus and Malefic psychic disciplines, 12 psychic powers for Pskers of the Chaos Space Marines, and 3 Mark of Chaos psychic powers
- Artefacts of Chaos – 14 weapons and artefacts available only to Chaos Space Marines
- Warlord Traits for the Chaos Space Marines, including 7 specific to particular Legions
- Points values for every unit, weapon and piece of wargear for use if you are playing a matched play game, or a game that uses a points limit
- 6 Tactical Objectives unique to the Chaos Space Marines
Important Note
This is an updated version of Codex: Chaos Space Marines, containing new art, lore and updated rules encompassing new content from Imperium Nihilus: Vigilus Ablaze, including Prayers to the Dark Gods, updated units, and more. If you already own a copy of Chaos Space Marines and Vigilus Ablaze, you'll find this book a handy compilation. However, you do not need a copy of the original codex or Vigilus Ablaze to use this product!
Malifaux - 3rd Edition Core Rulebook
Welcome to Malifaux, a twisted mirror of an alternate Earth in the 1900s; a world of gothic horror, Victorian structures, steampunk constructs, and wild west gunslingers. Rife with undead amalgamations, monstrous vengeful apparitions, and other creatures that bump in the night, these near-lawless lands are still worth treading for some, as the Soulstones deep within the cavernous catacombs are worth more than the sweat and blood it takes to obtain them.
Malifaux Third Edition is a story-driven skirmish game that carries the events from the lore directly into the characters’ mechanics. With a streamlined hiring system, straightforward and updated rules that don’t get in the way of the fun, and enough strategic depth to keep those mental gears turning for years to come, it’s never been a better time to dive into the world of Malifaux.
Seek your fortune, test your luck, and stake your claim in this fast-paced and brutal tabletop miniature skirmish game.
No longer do you have to trust the fickle fate of a dice roll. In Malifaux, you use cards called a Fate Deck to lead your crew to victory. If strategy, tactics, and resource management can’t help you achieve your goals, don’t worry, as you can always Cheat Fate.
Death Guard - Blightlord Terminators
Blightlord Terminators are relentless and unstoppable, elite Death Guard warriors forever bound to Cataphractii armour. They stalk forward with guns blazing, mercilessly mowing down rank after rank of enemy. Combi-weapons, plague spewers and blight launchers add to the fusilade, reducing infantry and vehicles to slop.
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a unit of 5 Blightlord Terminators. Resplendent in their cracked, rotting Cataphractii shells, they are bursting with squirming tentacles, covered all over with pustulent signs of Nurgle’s gifts: spikes, boils, grinning toothed maws and vile respirators all feature heavily. Each comes armed with a combi-bolter, and a choice of either a balesword or bubotic axe – there are some other, equally unpleasant weapons included, meaning one model can replace their combi-bolter with either a plague spewer, reaper autocannon or blight launcher, and another can carry a fearsome double-handed flail of corruption. The Champion of the unit can take combi-weapon upgrades; there’s a plasma, flamer and melta variant available. There are 8 variant heads available, a mix of helmeted and bare. None of them are especially pleasant to gaze upon…
The Blightlord Terminators come as 64 components, and are supplied with 5 Citadel 40mm Round bases.
Scythe: The Wind Gambit Expansion
Scythe: The Wind Gambit contains two modular expansions: airships and resolutions. In the airship module, 2 airship tiles are randomly paired at the beginning of the game (1 passive and 2 aggressive; there are 16 total tiles). Each player’s airship miniature (a new type of unit; 1 big miniature for each of the 7 factions [the sculpts are identical, and the bases are different colors to match the factions]) has those abilities, as well as the core ability that airships are free to move onto any territory (land or water) and across rivers. Each player starts with their airship on their home base, so they can start moving out of their home area right away. The airship miniatures measure 101x33x41mm, and they have clear, plastic, removable stands/bases.
In the resolution module, resolution tiles add a twist to the way each game ends. There are 8 of them, and 1 will be used each game. They often have an impact in the decisions you’ll make throughout the game.
Drukhari - Codex
Fiercely intelligent piratical raiders who feed upon anguish to stave off the slow death of their souls, the Drukhari epitomise everything wanton and cruel about the ancient Aeldari race from which they are descended. Their boundless potential is put to every terrible purpose they can imagine, and because their lives span millennia, they have all the time they need to perfect their stygian arts. Collectively, the warriors of Commorragh know all the ways there are to kill the galaxy’s myriad creatures, and delight in perfecting as many as they can.
Codex: Drukhari contains a wealth of background and rules – the definitive book for Drukhari collectors. Within this 128-page hardback, you’ll find:
- Dark Origins: the history of the Drukhari from the fall of the Aeldari, their use of the webway and their self-contained realm of Commorragh, and details of their regular incursions into realspace to find fresh victims;
- The Dark City: details of the bizarre, fractal city of corruption known as Commorragh – its structure, outskirts, underworld and defensive abilities;
- Kabals of Commorragh: descriptions of the Kabals – the primary military strength of the Drukhari – and their hierarchies, accompanied by descriptions and icons of the following 8: Kabal of the Black Heart, Kabal of the Flayed Skull, Kabal of the Poisoned Tongue, Kabal of the Obsidian Rose, Kabal of the Last Hatred, Kabal of the Dying Sun, The Lords of Iron Thorn, and Kabal of the Broken Sigil;
- Wych Cults of the Arenas: the composition and organisation of the Drukhari Wych Cults, with descriptions and icons of the Cult of Strife, Cult of the Cursed Blade, Cult of the Red Grief, Cult of the Seventh Woe, Cult of the Blade Denied, Cult of the Wrath Unbound, and Cult of the Pain Eternal;
- Covens of the Haemonculi: an overview of these twisted torturer-alchemists, with descriptions and icons of The Prophets of Flesh, The Dark Creed, The Coven of Twelve, The Black Descent, and The Hex;
- Realspace Raids: examples of the manner in which Kabals, Wych Cults and Haemonculi Covens band together to fight as one;
- Paths of Terror: a galactic map featuring locations of confirmed Drukhari raids;
- A Tale of Eternal Sin: a timeline of major events, raids and battles in the dark history of the Drukhari;
- Background on each unit available to a Drukhari army;
- A showcase of beautifully painted Citadel miniatures, with example armies featuring everything from individual images of models to battle scenes on terrain.
Everything you need to get a Drukhari army primed for games of Warhammer 40,000 is in here:
- 30 datasheets providing rules for every Drukhari unit and miniature;
- Army abilities reflecting the Drukhari’s methods of war on the tabletop;
- Armoury of Commorragh: wargear both ranged and close-combat for use by the Drukhari;
- Points values for all miniatures, weapons and wargear for use in Matched Play games;
- Commorragh Raiders: rules for Battle-forged armies, including:
- Kabal Obsessions: special rules for the Kabal of the Black Heart, Kabal of the Flayed Skull, Kabal of the Poisoned Tongue, and Kabal of the Obsidian Rose;
- Wych Cult Obsessions: special rules for the Cult of Strife, Cult of the Cursed Blade, and Cult of the Red Grief
- Haemonculus Coven Obsessions: special rules for The Prophet of Flesh, The Dark Creed, and the Coven of Twelve;
- 33 unique Stratagems, including 4 specific to the Kabals listed above, 3 specific to the Wych Cults listed above, and 3 specific to the Haemonculous Covens listed above;
- Artefacts of Cruelty: 16 weapons and artefacts available only to Drukhari armies;
- Warlord Traits, with specific Traits for the specific Kabals, Wych Cults and Haemonculus Covens listed above;
- 6 unique Tactical Objectives.
Genestealer Cults - Codex
Undermine the Imperium and strike from the shadows with Codex: Genestealer Cults – your complete guide to the 41st Millennium’s most cunning insurrectionists. Inside this 120-page codex, you'll find everything you need to add the Genestealer Cults to your games, plus thrilling lore and art to inspire your own collection.
Inside the book, you'll find:
– The history of the Genestealer Cults, with a look at how these warriors use stealth and subterfuge to topple planets from within
– A Genestealer Cults bestiary with background details for every unit and character
– A showcase of stunningly painted Citadel miniatures
– Rules for every Genestealer Cults model
– Stratagems and sub-faction rules for customising your army
– And more!
Able to ally with the Tyranids, or even include corrupted Astra Militarum Detachments, the Genestealer Cults are a rewarding army and a worthy addition to your collection of codexes.
This codex comes with a token sheet for keeping track of the Cult Ambush rules. Rather than deploy your army, you'll deploy the included Ambush markers, allowing you to tailor your deployment and prey upon the weak spots in your opponent's line. Additionally, you'll find a range ruler for setting up units from reserve.