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InFinity - Tohaa
The Tohaa are an advanced alien civilization currently waging an open war against the EI and its Combined Army. Guardians of one of the great treasures of the universe, the Tohaa have withstood the EI’s onslaught longer than any other race in this galaxy. The Tohaa are masters of biotechnology, capable of building terrible viral weapons and impervious symbiont armors, but also of altering other species, granting them more intelligence so they can fight by their side. The Tohaa need allies, and Humanity seems fitting for the first line of the fight against the Combined Army.
Featured Products:
Tohaa - Diplomatic Delegates
The Diplomatic Delegates are highly respected in Tohaa society. They are a social elite far above any politician. Easily recognized by their distinguished bearing, the Diplomatic Delegates are characterized by their extraordinary ability to maneuver in the most tempestuous situations intergalactic diplomacy can generate. The members of Tohaa Diplomacy are known for their flexibility and adaptability to any scenario. Such is their ability that the rumor is they have been biomodified to have extreme control over their pheromonic capabilities, so they can exactly control the information they emit. In this way, a Diplomatic Delegate may even lie without betraying itself if need be or even completely block its emissions to avoid revealing secrets or disturbing other races sensitive to pheromonic information. Those biomodifications would also include alterations to phonation organs so they can replicate sounds of other alien languages, making direct communication easier, without need for simultaneous translation devices.
As a civilization of eminent explorers, the Tohaa have a long record of first contacts with other species, not all of them friendly, and quite often dangerous. The Diplomatic Delegates are the first ones to make initial contact and to enter unknown terrain. That is why they are required to always have a high level of preparation, cold blood, and an absolute level of professionalism, because their tasks also include high-level espionage, always implicit, never explicit, as well as conspiracy and intrigue. For this reason, the Diplomatic Delegates are depicted as the main characters in many works of fiction in the Tohaa entertainment industry, personifying the perfect ideal of the elegant, refined and glamorous spy.
Blister contains:
- 1x Diplomatic Delegate (Ikohl L1, Specialist Operative) (Flash Pulse)
Tohaa - Hatail Spec-Ops
Vaarso Battlespeak notation: Hatail is the number 2004. In Neebab Numerology, the two thousands are connected to change and movement. As a number, it means instability, unpredictability and radical transformation. In the former Colonial Force, the second thousand already represented exploration and intelligence special units. These units, by traveling to the farthest places, secretly aided the contact activities of the Tohaa Trinomial colonial ships, removing obstacles and eliminating enemies. As for the number four, it is related to inner fortitude and the ability to influence the world through sheer force of will.
The Hatail are heir to the legacy of the special agents of the legendary Tohaa Colonial Force who secretly helped build the Colonies into what they are now, a proud third of the Tohaa civilization. Like those agents, this clandestine unit works best in the shadows. The Hatail are expected to possess not only exceptional tactical capabilities, but also a keen and determined mind, for they are the unspoken warriors, the unseen craftsmen of the secret history of their race. Now, in the darkest hour of the Tohaa, the mysterious Hatail are aware that it is up to them to make a difference. The Trinomial needs resolute agents who answer to no one. The EI terror is nearing the heart of their civilization and time is running out, but the Hatail are ready to do what it takes to protect their species.
Blister contains:
- 1x Hatail (Combi Rifle)
Tohaa - Chaksa Auxiliars
Tohaa High Command, true to its doctrine of "Letting others be the ones to fight your wars", quickly recognized the military potential of the Exaltation project for the Chaksa race. As soon as the first tests were successful, the Trident involved itself in the project to ensure a measure of control over its results. Therefore, during the formation process of exalted Chaksa, they are inculcated with the precepts and ideals of the Trident. Through this indoctrination the High Command ensures a constant number of Chaksa recruits that, following their formation period, increase the numbers of Tohaa military forces. Chaksa make excellent light operatives. Their resistance and exceptional physical qualities make them all-terrain troops, able to march without pause, carrying localization biodevices and all the supplies and equipment of a combat force under the worst environmental conditions without complaint. However, it is in the midst of combat where Chaksa Auxiliaries stand out for their bravery and their unbreakable loyalty to the Tohaa cause, fighting to their last breath for those who exalted them to sentience and allowed them win their place on the galactic map.
Box contains:
- 2x Chaksa Auxiliar (Baggage, Sensor) (Heavy Flamethrower)
- 1x Chaksa Auxiliar (Smart Heavy Rocket Launcher)
- 1x Chaksa Auxiliar (Neurocinetics, 360º Visor) (HMG)
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